Monday, January 5, 2015

Article #1 in our research into the movement "black lives matter"

This article is by Kristin Coke from the Huffington Post page about Black Voice.

1.  Describe the author physically, emotionally and academically.

2.  What is the author's main concern about the people who protest with her?

3.  List three quotes you would like to discuss in class.


  1. The idea of slavery is wrong and shouldn't have been allowed . The same goes with racism . -Liz pd 4

  2. Personally though , with cokes piece of literature , I feel that she is asking for to much from people .

  3. The reason I say this is because just because she states that she's hurt that her coworkers don't hurt enough or feel the pain she does and to me that's wrong

  4. The reason I say that it is messed up is because everyone is entitled to their own opinion about racism.

  5. For example , I am not for slavery. However if it doesn't involve me personally or my family or affects me in my Health or finance , then I'm not getting involved

  6. The thing with coke is that she is a student at Princeton university , one of the top schools and yet she's letting racism toward other people of her color affect her to a Huge extent

  7. A couple question I have for her are :
    1) to what extent would you help racism
    2)how does it affect you personally
    3) and do you think that the racism with ever end ?

  8. Well I kinda wanna respond to Liz's question personally I believe racism will never end. It will never end because some racial group needs to be blamed for something at all times therefore racism will most likely never end.

  9. Alex brings up an interesting point- the idea that as differences exist between two groups of people, there will be conflict. If population all share a common ground (for example, if a community all has one unified race), then there will be something other difference that causes conflict (i.e.: economic class, religion, political views). People naturally fear things that foreign and strange to them, and hate those things because of their ignorance. Although this will always be the case, it doesn't stop us from trying to work towards fixing this issue.

    -David Saunders, Pd. 4

  10. I agree with both your points. I just hope that it wouldn't get to that point of extreme violence

  11. Also , I stick with my point that if racism doesn't affect me or my loved ones I'm not letting get in my way of happiness like coke does

  12. You're entitled to your opinion, Liz, but you should keep in mind the words of Martin Niemöller

    "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

    While you may not experience any discrimination as it stands, if one group's freedoms are compromised, it is a threat to the rights of all other groups of people as well.

    1. period 8 Daniel Chiquitero
      I agree with David Saunders , if we do not stand up for the discriminated we will never achieve equality for all . we cant allow more discrimination to happen before our eyes.

  13. Yeah I agree and I remember that quote from global history last year

  14. Musician and social commentator, Michael "Killer Mike" Render says this in a more concise way, stating that "Whatever this country is willing to do to the least of us, it will one day do to us all."

    Here's a link to the interview with CNN he did: (Excuse the low quality)

    He covers many other things, such as the militarization of the police. He sees the usage of military tactics and equipment as detrimental to policing in America, and believes it harbors an "us vs them" mentality that would be more fitting for US troops and their combatants. Personally, I feel this is a very important issue to be outlining here- Our law enforcement is supposed to be protecting the communities, but they're also supposed to be part of these communities- seeing them as enemies only serves to increase the disparity between law enforcement and the communities of America- especially black communities.

  15. The author kristen cokes main concern of this article is that some people seem to not be affected and move on with their daily schedule in spite of violent action against blacks. Also she explains that caring about what happen is racially motivated meaning that if it was a white man killed more white people would take action for the unjustified.
