Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Just for you! Do Black Lives matter to teens? article

Friday's work:  You must read and take notes on loose leaf on the article by Dr. Missee Harris, a black professor.

Copy and paste this URL    OR search "Do black lives matter enough to black teens?"  Huffington Post.


What is your opinion?
What three quotes stand out?
Is there a counterargument to her position?


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  2. Well #1 After watching the video of what happended with the black unarmed teens I agree with ms.Harris and feel that if they are going to organize a March one they are going to have to all focus on one point they want to get across, not everyone scrambling ideas and don't even know what they're even protesting for. #2Three quotes that stand out to me the most is "call me whatever you like I care more about saving lives" "if officer luna shot the boy headlines would've said White Texas Cops shoot unarmed black" "the boy continued to walk towards the officer" all these quotes have me thinking does this boy want to commit suicide by cop so they're can be a bigger rant on what's already going on, why continue walking just comply with the Law. There is a counter argument to this position a counter argument would be that unarmed black men are not complying with authority.

  3. Three quotes that stands out to me is "shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save life's" #2 "Call me whatever you'd like, but I care more about saving lives than what people think of me". #3 "I felt that as a community, we would only be effective if we could unite behind one clear goal rather than a whole bag of ideas" . These 3 quotes stand out to me because it shows that sometimes law enforcement have to do what they feel is right to help protect themselves but at the same time us as people should follow.

  4. in my opinion, the author makes very clear and unbiased opinions. he/she shows the point of view of both the blacks and whites of our community and questions us (the readers). and i find that nice because sometimes after reading the article, the reader senses a certain way on one side because they do not know the other side. however, in this article the author states both side and uses actually examples to prove/support both sides.

  5. the first quote that stuck out to me is, " in a number of cases of black men being killed by police , they actually were not gunned down right away without a warning. instead, several of these men were approached by police first and asked to raise hands or get on the ground but did not comply".

  6. the reason it stuck out to me is because its shows how you cant always believe the media because they cancel out certain details that leave the story and the reader feeling a type of way about the situation they are making mention of.

  7. Harris brings up two valid points that need to be addressed, no matter how much controversy they may stir up. The Black Lives Matter movement is too divided in its core goals. Different branches in different parts of America want different things and have differing interests, which can lead to schisms in the entire movement and sabotage it from the inside out. However, this may be hard, because even in a single movement there is a conflict of interests in what is best for black communities in the United States.

    Her second point, that young black men need to be more conscious about the risks that are posed to their lives when they resist the police, is harsh but true. It’s better to comply with police orders, even if they are prejudiced or unreasonable. The alternative is possibly death if the officers see you as a threat. Another young black person killed by law enforcement will not further the civil rights of blacks in this country. It’s not too unreasonable for a police officer- like in the case provided by the article- to attempt to defend himself when he sees someone carrying a life-like replica of a real firearm.

    When Harris writes, “However, some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions,” she provides an important, alternate perspective on how police interactions can be better handled to prevent further tragedies.

    Harris’ description of the meeting with the civil rights community, when the “reactions got crazy, and I was quickly shot down when I suggested what such a demand could be,” helps to convey that the civil rights community needs to look at things in a broader way.

    Finally, Harris states that dissenters can,”Call me whatever you’d like, but I care more about saving lives than what people think of me,” demonstrates the author’s integrity to stick to her ideals.

    Some could possibly say that this mentality is blaming the victim of injustices is unfair, and that the police should be held up to higher standards than the citizens. They could argue that people shouldn’t have to follow the words of law enforcement to the letter so they don’t have to fear for their safety.

  8. One quote that stands out to me is "Heres what caused an outrage. I when i mentioned how, in a number of cases of black men being killed by police, they actually weren't gunned down right away without a warning.Instead several of these men were approached by police first and asked to raise their hands or get on the ground but didn't comply".My opinion after reading this quote is that the problem with people in society is that people are saying that all cops are "racist" or "abuse their power" which is a problem and causes such conflict due to the fact not all cops are like that. Cops gunned down a person after they didn't follow police instructions but most people in the black community say that the death of the man was racially motivated but in fact it wasn't. Also today the situation with the black man that was killed by a cop when the cop had him in a choke. The problem with this is the man that died has been arrested before many times and knows how your suppose to comply calmly with police instructions so its not motivated by racism.Also the death of two cops who were murdered by a black man due to the reason they were cops and the whole situation about they guy killed accidentally by the cops, it does not make it right to kill them just because they are cops this is the problem with society thinking fighting violence with violence will solve anything when it doesn't.

  9. After reading and watching the video, I believe that Ms.Harris has a point on demanding change on the black community's part. The police gives orders first before firing but people like Mike Brown and Eric Garner, they didn't listen. The people need to start listening, so more lives could be saved. One of the three quotes that I found interesting was,"Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instruction, if it can save lives?" Following orders includes saving more lives. There is no counterclaim to this because she has a reason.

  10. A quote that stood out to me was "Now, I am not justifying what the officers did by any means, and I do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today." I agree with this because racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are serious issues that are going on. Racial profiling is leading to riots, and chaos around the world, and it is not doing anything but making matters worse. An example of this would be all the protesting going on today with the people who are against what had taken place with Michael Brown, Eric Garner.

  11. Three quotes that stood out to me:
    "If officer Luna had shot on of these young men, we would have dozens of new headlines today, such as "White Texas cop shoots unarmed Black Teenager". "Marches don't make sense if the marchers can't get their point across". "Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save lives?".

  12. In my opinion i agree with Ms.Harris, that it doesn't matter how you look when you saves lives and that it matters more that you saved the life. However, i believe that it also matter how you save a life because if you save a life by sacrificing a innocent who complied to your demands it's very unethical. For example in the Eric Garner case the police came out in a rational way and tried to make Garner comply with them in a peaceful way, but Garner did not comply and it got physical. I'm not saying the police way right to put Garner in a choke hold that wasn't suppose to be used, but if Garner had complied in the first place it might have changed the way things went down.

  13. after reading the article and watching the video, I feel so dismay of those three kids. It is because when the policer officer pulled out a gun and pointed at them, and tell them to sit down and hands on the air. Only one kid followed and other two just sat down and didn't listen to officer's order. Three quotes that stand out are, 1"Only one of the men raised his hands, but he continued to walk toward the officer, while the other two sat down on the curb with their hands down." 2."If Officer Luna had shot one of these young men, we would have dozens of new headlines today." 3."Parents and community leaders, please teach our young people to obey the law and do their part." When a police officer pulled out a gun and pointed at you, just obey him, if you don't you might die to his over-reaction. I can't think of any counter claim to his claim, because the problem she pointed out is the big problem in our society.
    -Jing Yi Zhang

  14. navin mohan pd8
    while andy chu makes a good point was it completley necasary to have multiple officers on him after he didnt comply . and then along with the fact that many officers were on him. so while gardner could've and should have complied it did not have to escalte to the point of someone losing there life

  15. Well I agree with the author because the author makes a valid point. If the Officer shouts a warning then the person should follow the warning so no further harm can be done. One quote that stood out was "Parent and Community leaders, please teach our young people to obey the law and do their part". Another Quote was "Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save lives?" My last quote "Marches dont make sense if the marches cant get their point across." I do think their is a counter argument because she states her position and has facts to back it up.

  16. Wesley lu / Period 8
    The three quotes that stood up to me :
    "For one, I felt that as a community, we would only be effective if we could unite behind one clear goal rather than a whole bag of ideas."
    "Here's what caused the outrage. I mentioned how, in a number of cases of Black men being killed by police, they actually weren't gunned down right away without warning."
    "Now, I am not justifying what the officers did by any means, and I do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today."

  17. After watching the video i agreed with Ms,Harris which all police should warning before they pull their gun out.Because we don't want to live in a place that police officer could shot you without an reason.We don't want to risk our own safety to violence police.

  18. navin mohan pd.8
    to respond to the last sentences "parent and community leaders , please teach our young people to obey the law and do there there part" to respond to this i feel as do most people are not doing there part to better todays society and if people were tuaght while they are young then problems like these would not occur.

  19. The three quotes that stood out to me were:
    1. " I do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today".
    2. "I care more about saving lives than what people think of me".
    3. "If Officer Luna had shot one of these young men, we would have dozens of new headlines today, such as "White Texas Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Teenager.""
    These three quotes stand out to me because they could have prevented cases like Mike Brown and Eric Garner if they listened and complied with the police's demands. Also the quote, "If Officer Luna had shot one of these young men, we would have dozens of new headlines today, such as "White Texas Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Teenager."" really stood out to me because it relates to the yellow journalism that takes place because of those cases.

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  21. The quotes that stand out to me is"i do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today."
    "Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions,if it can save lives?"
    "Texas where a black teenager's death was only avoided thanks to the bravery of a white police officer."

  22. In my opinion i feel she's right but then again wrong i say this because being accused for something because of your race is wrong. There isn't a counter argument because she states both sides.

    "Shoudn't we include in our goals to school our sons to follow police instruction, if it can save lives?"

    "however, some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions."

    "call me what you like, but i care more about saving lives than what people think of me."

  23. I gree with the author of the article but I also think that there are many other components to this topic.If people did comply with the police lives would be saved but it shouldn't be that way,death should not be the penalty for not complying with the police, especially innocent young people.

    The three quotes that stood out to me were "However, some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions"(Paragraph 2),"A stunning example for this is the recent case in Duncanville, Texas, where a Black teenager's death was only avoided thanks to the bravery of a white police officer"( Paragraph 3), and "Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save lives?"(Paragraph 3).

    I dont think theres a counterclaim to her position because she says "some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions. Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save lives?". She then gives evidence to support her position that people should comply with the police and lives would be saved .

  24. In my opinion after reading the article I notice it's not about racial profiling. The black people will approach and they will exaggerate and they wouldn't listen to the cop. In Texas there was a black guy who avoid being killed. When the white cop told him to put his hand up in the air he did because he didn't want to get shot. Cops aren't being racial they're doing their jobs because when the person who puts physical force on a cop they have rights to shoot but if they don't they don't have to shoot. "black teenager's death was only avoided thanks to the bravery of a white police officer" if the black teenager used forced he would have been killed and shot by this white police officer. "Only one of the men raised his hand, but he continued to walk toward the officer, while the other two sat down on the curb with their hands down." One of the black teenager surrender and put his hand up and kept walking towards the police officer meanwhile the other two were sitting down. He was walking up to the police officer because he wanted to tell the police officer that their guns were fake. "Several of these men were approached by police first and asked to raise their hands or get on the ground but didn't comply" cops gave them warnings but they didn't listen, the cops shot because they weren't doing what they were told, cops didn't shoot them because of their racist.

  25. In my opinion I agree with Ms. Harris, i feel like parents should teach their kids to obey the law and and follow police instruction because it could save lives. If people just do what they are suppose to then this wont happen. Now don't get me wrong, cops do play a major role in this incidents but if these people would just comply then cops wouldn't have to be use force. the quote that really stood out to me was "shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow police intructions, if it could save lives". If it could save lives then we should be doing this because this will stop all the incidents that happen. If people know that to just follow the police intsuctions then the police wont use force against you.

  26. Well, in my opinion, for the article is that Dr. Missee Harris has a point. She makes a claim that the black community can't just make protests without knowing what really happened, to know that the police officers had to have warned the person before being shot. Harris states something very appealing to me, "However, some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions. Shouldnt we include it int our goals to our school our sons to follow police instructions, if it can save lives?". The point shes making, from my perspective, is that we should educate, not only the black community but the community in general of police enforcements and rights. We should be educated on what the police can or can not do if we do not simply follow rules. Yes some police exaggerate brutality but something was led for them to do so when they shouldnt have. For example, in the video the police officer was called and told there was a teen in a grey sweater showing off a gun, when the police man approached the teen saying to surrender he kept walking towards the police man claiming it was fake, But what if it is? See the police man can't just take the risk of believing the teen, he could risk his life and the community, he couldve shot the teen for it but chose not too. If the teen would've just surrendered the police man wouldnt have to chose whether to shot or not.

  27. I agree with Dr. Harris as all these tragedies could have been prevented if the suspect wouldn't be resisting to arrest. If they are innocent there is no reason to be resisting as they will suffer no major consequence. However they resisted causing the police to use force against the suspects.
    Quotes that stood out to me :
    - Marches don't make sense if the marchers can't get their point across.
    -When Luna arrived at the scene, he exited his vehicle and ordered the young men to put their hands up and get on the ground. Only one of the men raised his hands, but he continued to walk toward the officer, while the other two sat down on the curb with their hands down
    -I mentioned how, in a number of cases of Black men being killed by police, they actually weren't gunned down right away without warning. Instead, several of these men were approached by police first and asked to raise their hands or get on the ground but didn't comply.

  28. I agree with the author of the article 'Do Black Lives Matter Enough to Black Teens?' because she has a point. The main message of the article was to imply that if people were to follow the instructions that the law enforcement gives that the death (or shooting rates) would decrease. I believe that Mike Brown and Eric Garner would still be alive today if they would've listen to the police officers demands.

    3 quotes that stood out to me:
    1) "We would only be effective if we could unite behind one cleat goal rather than a whole big bag of lies"

    2) "Some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions"

    3) "I raised the question of what our demand of our own people was... i was quickly shot down"

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  30. "Second, I raised the question of what our demand of our own people was. At that point I got some funny stares, but the reactions really got crazy, and I was quickly shot down when I suggested what such demand can be" (Paragraph 2).
    " a number of cases Black men being killed by police, they actually weren't gunned down right away without warning" (Paragraph 2).
    "If officer Luna shot one of these young men, we would have dozens of headlines today, such as "'White Texas Cop Shoots Unarmed Black Teenager'" (Paragraph 4).

    The first quote was a simply question proposed by the teenager interested in the situation (the march) that has transpired due to the recent racist cases of Mike Brown, Eric Garner etc. etc. being shot down by what is considered a "White man". Yes the adolescent did have a question on what the end result would be immediately after the "demands" were met... but what are the demands? What are we fighting against? Racism? White Supremacy? Social Injustices? What are we fighting for? Or are we simply protesting simply since our first amendment states we can? Secondly, the second quote I decided to elucidate on is simply true. Yes, as a matter of fact, this does not justify the killings of the racist media proclaimed individuals. But yes definitely two corroborations, and probably more as time lapses, an abundance of individuals would probably agree if they were to read this article. Policing is a very meticulous job, one must take precautions on every situation the derives from ignorance or danger and pure evil.What if the adolescence continued walking and Luna shot them down for being a threat to society? A very big outrage will transpire by the media leading to another ''racist case". Ultimately if the situation did in fact happen, Officer Luna would have had an inauspicious path as time lapses, people shouting to kill officers, shouting stereotypes, white supremacy and other obscenities towards Luna. A plethora would be very inarticulate when asked to elaborate on what happened and what JUSTICE really is. The author points out a valid point, though many are obdurate, and unwilling to change their position of "racist cases", one must be open-minded and look at the genuinely good and the extreme evil.

  31. In the article, "Do Black Lives Matter" by Misee Harris, she makes a point that before the shootings of Garner and Brown they were alerted by the police officer to raise their hands but some refused the order of the officer. The officers have no choice but to gun them down since people are suppose to obey the commands of a officer.
    " However, some of these very public deaths in our community could have been prevented had men like Mike Brown and Eric Garner promptly complied with police instructions". "I do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today". " Parents and community leaders, please teach our young people to obey the law and do their part". These three quotes stand out to me because many stubborn people in our society today believes that they can do whatever they want but that is not the case. Police officers are here to protect the community but not to harm it. Although Dr Misse Harris does seem to grieve over the death of the three blacks, she claims that if they had listen to the police officers many incidents would not become into a tragic story that is told all over the news. People should make wise decisions by thinking of the consequences of their actions. Sometimes it is too late to regret what you have done.

  32. In the article, a quote that stood out to me was, "I do believe that racial profiling and exaggerated brutality are a serious problem in law enforcement today." I agree with this quote because some police men handle men very rough based on their skin color and the way they dress or think that they have committed a crime just because they dress a certain type of way, for example after the 9/11 incident many Muslims and Arabics were considered as tourists because they dressed differently, and this is what causes racism and we need to fix this. Another quote that stood out to me was , "Shouldn't we include it in our goals to school our sons to follow instructions, if it can save lives?" I also agree with this quote as well because some people thinks its okay to defy or disobey cops and thats what causes them to get handled roughly, if people just listened to cops orders, maybe there wouldn't be so many deaths. The third quote I chose was "Marches don't make sense if the marchers can't get their points across."
